很高兴来到美丽的达沃斯。达沃斯虽然只是阿尔卑斯山上的一个小镇 ,却是一个观察世界经济的重要窗口。大家从四面八方会聚这里,各种思想碰撞出智慧的火花...
* Vocabulary: defile 山中狭径 strip 狭长地带 outpost 前哨;偏远村镇 the spoils 赃物,战利品 a...
Day 20: * complete with 包括,含有 incorporate, comprise, consist, constitute...
* complete with 包括,含有 incorporate, comprise, consiste, constitute皆可表此意。 ...
Day 15: * strip 常见义不谈。 collocations有strip down to (e.g. underwear)脱到剩下.....
Day 8: * issue a laugh 在字典里没有查到固定的用法。 * conventional untility 这里utility公...
* Then we will use the speed of light to measure distance as a much more...
To be frank, actually there are not many new words in this article. But ...