240 发简信
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    What is XGBoost? XGBoost, also known as Extreme gradient boosting, is an...

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    Boosting: Adboost(自适应增强算法)

    What is Boosting? Boosting is an ensemble learning method that combines ...

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    What is bagging? Bagging, also known as bootstrap aggregation, is the en...

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    AARRR Model

    Understanding AARRR Model What is AARRR Model? Pirate Metrics—a term coi...

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    费米估算(Fermi Estimate)

    What is Fermi Estimate? In physics or engineering education, a Fermi pro...

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    Machine Learning: Decision Tree

    Understanding Decision Trees What are decision trees? Decision tree is a...

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    在该文章中,我会介绍索引在Mysql中的运用。针对于索引的学习更多集中在概念上的理解,因为索引的使用语法并不难。 Topics: What is...

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    Text Mining

    When modeling text corpora and other collections of discrete data. The g...

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    Hard Questions: SQL

    There are three questions that can be considered the hardest ones in Lee...

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