Scikit-Learn Base classestimatorclassifierclusterregressortransformer Da...
1. Abstract study stochastic optimization problems when the data is spar...
1. Abstract A new algorithm is proposed in this setting where the commun...
1. Abstract At no or nearly no loss of accuracy, quantize the gradients ...
1. Abstract Adaptive gradient methods,adapt not only to the sequence of ...
1. Abstract processors快速构建histogram,把数据压缩到固定的大小 master processor找到近似最优的s...
1. Abstract 单机多核并行,near-linear speedup 2. Intro L1 regularization适合spars...
1. Abstract C4.5决策树的并行 2. Intro 决策树在大数据集上计算开销太大 找到最优的决策树是NP难问题 3. 顺序C4.5...