毛泽东诗词.壹.浪淘沙.北戴河 毛泽东诗词.贰.菩萨蛮.黄鹤楼 毛泽东诗词.叁.清平乐.六盘山 毛泽东诗词.肆.忆秦娥.娄山关 毛泽东诗词.伍....
1.Life was busy and happy for us.生活匆忙,亦满欢畅。 2.You created your own desti...
1.Time's arrow neither Stands still nor reverses.光阴似箭,不停不退。 2.This is ou...
1.May our country prosper and the people live a peaceful life!愿祖国繁荣富强,人民...
1.Life is like a mountain road with a new adventure around every corner....
1.I want us to be together, for as long as we've got.余生的每一天,我都想和你在一起。#《万...
1.Love is eternal.爱是永恒的。#《破产姐妹》 2.Make peace with life.与生活和解。#《奥黛丽》 3.I ...
1.猴子上树,多敲几遍锣啊。 2.搭白算数 3.好汉怕泼皮,泼皮怕无赖,无赖怕光棍。 4.公鸡叫,墙上跳,妈妈叫我快起床,穿上军装,扛起枪,跟着...