blueberry the dark blue fruit of a bush that is grown in North America蓝莓...
pear /per/a yellow or green fruit that is narrow at the top and wide at ...
apple a round fruit with shiny red or green skin and firm white flesh苹果 ...
burger 汉堡 fries = chips /fraɪz/long thin pieces of potato that have been...
fried egg 煎蛋 scrambled eggs 炒蛋 poached egg 水煮荷包蛋 omelet /ˈɑːmlət/An omel...
金黄的舞步,在微风中轻盈一片片秋叶,仿佛是梦想的碎片在阳光下闪烁如同希望的耳语 它们从树梢轻轻告别不惧寒风的召唤在大地的怀抱中找到属于自己的归宿...
溪涧奔流,欢快如歌石间跳跃,闪烁着光泽绿影摇曳,风轻拂面生命的舞步,在此间延展 白云朵朵,映在水面流淌的音符,奏响春天小鸟在枝,啁啾不息每个清晨...