240 发简信
  • ein eine einen 区别

    "Ein," "eine," and "einen" are all forms of the indefinite article in Ge...

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  • 摘抄


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  • 2025.1.2

    新的一年第二天 曾经觉得自己还年轻,父母不会老 回头细看,人已经不再一样! 愿我们都可以做物件的主人,而不是物件的奴隶; 愿所爱之人安康…… 愿...

    0.5 38 0 1
  • 《破•地狱 》观影思考


    0.3 61 0 1
  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    澳大利亚邮票2022 Australian Legends

    Warwick Thornton is an Australian film director, screenwriter and cinema...

  • 2021-09-13

    Read the following article: https://www.dummies.com/business/start-a-bus...

  • What Is the Hierarchy of Controls?

    What Is the Hierarchy of Controls? The hierachy of controls is the logic...

  • What Is an E Tattoo?

    What Is an E Tattoo? Electronic tattoos (also called e tattoos or digita...