One day a professor entered the classroom and told the students about a ...
When your alarm goes off and the clock starts ticking down before you ha...
Mom, I Got My Attitude From You, And That ’ s Not A Bad Thing! 妈妈,这倔劲儿随你...
无所谓,没兴趣,英文想说"不在乎",都有哪些地道表达 ? 下面就来看几个英文习语,用的时候别忘记配上你的傲娇神情哦 ! 1. Not care ...
How To Make Friends And Connect With People In Challenging Times 在逆境中如何与...
One warm evening many years ago… 犹记得多年前,那个让人暖心的夜晚 After spending nearly ...
在非正式场合的口语中,特别是年轻人喜欢用这些话来搪塞他们的家长: 1Dunno ( "布吉岛",不知道 ) 例:" When do you ha...