240 发简信
  • 思维品质的培养,在读后续写教学中的体现


  • My values

    I hope one day I will say proudly that I have not lived my life in vain....

  • 做个有良知的人

    今天是老公生日,爸爸也从老家过来了,想着改善下生活,做点好吃的,一家人开开心心过个生日宴,没想到却因自己的疏忽,毁了一天的好心情。 买完...

  • A unique education

    This morning, I appreciated an article, which talked about a girl in...

  • 能言善辩的QQ

    11岁的 QQ因病毒感染,嘴里溃疡还出了很多泡泡,他疼得疵牙咧嘴,吃饭困难,又恰逢开学,爸妈需上班,他也要上学,问题是爸爸学校离家远,一周才...

  • Sensible or silly

    Sensible or silly It's a pity that an adult aged 24 jumped in the river ...

  • 孩子——我也想跟你一起上语文课

    她是我上学以来最喜欢的老师,我每天都盼着上语文课。孩子每天放学回来都告诉我他有多么的喜欢他现在的语文老师——郑老师。 郑老师在孩子上二...

  • I need you—cooperation

    We are all social people. We can't live without others. Therefore, th...

  • How to deal with the student?

    In this morning class, I asked the students to recite some key points...