I felt very excited to join the offline meeting after almost 1 month on-...
Special appreciation to all the meeting recap survey participants. You a...
It has about 1 month since my last attendance in XHTMC regular meeting.I...
The more i recap, the more i feel happy. One of the key reasons is i get...
It's really a pity that i missed the meeting today due to some family ar...
Golden Sentences Once you are on the stage, you have a purpose.---CarolT...
各位同学,晚上好! 高中是人生的一个转折点。你的人生是要享受阳光海滩的美景?还是让人逃之不及的雾霾阴雨?相信在座的各位一定能做出正确的选择。我今...
慢慢地,你将驶向何方? 下班后老公来接我,带着女儿。推开车门,女儿可爱的笑脸向我甜甜的笑着。“妈妈,你的红嘴唇!”虽然下着雨,心里却一片阳光。涂...