一、建筑工程管理与竞争力提升 1、我国建筑工程行业的基本特点 W = M*(P+P') P是企业生产能力,P'是企业外部可利用的生产要素和生产资...
Most of this book concerns supervised learning methods such as regressio...
In this chapter, we discuss the support vector machine(SVM), an approach...
In this chapter, we describe tree-based methods for regression and class...
So far in this book, we have mostly focused on linear models. Linear mod...
However, the linear model has distinct advantages in terms of inference ...
Resampling methods are an indispensable tool in modern statistics. In th...
In this chapter we discuss three of the most widely-used classifiers: lo...
Simple Linear Regression It assumes that there is approximately a linear...