心机深而心胸窄,阴险小人也;心机深而气度宽,君子大器也。 cited from zhihu. But it is the same with m...
Much of what other people know isn't worth knowing. Take the situation i...
I have not yet experienced the necessity of free speech right given by F...
Just finished this movie, so beautiful it is. Love is a subtle feeling t...
Detailed procedure to remove some app( risky!) :
前期打形尽量保证比例跟位置的准确,不过不用太纠结,有了原型后可以在后面不断调整。 确定明暗关系,分界线要清晰,如果是全图最暗处,一开始就上色到最...
一言以蔽之,处理糟糕情绪从两个方面入手: 解决引起糟糕情绪的事物。(釜底抽薪) 转移注意力。 最好当然是采用方法1,但如果某天因为像世界不美好这...