240 发简信
  • 译例分析-葡萄酒

    1.As always, all wines are ex-Domaines and offered from our direct alloc...

  • 译例分析-维多利亚建筑行业

    1. A State on the Move 标题,根据文章内容,我以为了“维多利亚,永不止步”,on the move在此处的意思为devel...

  • 译例分析-游戏文本

    1.Everything about him is good 暂译:有关他的一切都挺不错,达意但是不简洁,想在这里用个成语“完美无缺”,但是...

  • 译例分析-房屋出售

    1.The bathroom and ensuite are rich in design and detail 暂译:两间配套浴室设计丰富...

  • 译例分析-极光塔

    1.UEM Sunrise is very proud to have delivered such a high-quality, landm...

  • 译例分析-消费者细分

    1. segmentation 定译:专有名词,细分,比如市场细分,消费者细分 专有名词的翻译一定要多查证来源,尤其是原文出现多次的关键...

  • 译例分析-非洲观光之旅

    1. growing appeal 暂译:经久不衰的魅力 2.Tanzania is truly a safari goer’s parad...