1我的大学生活之大学英语学习 1) 收获:我对长句的理解又近了一步,口语和听力也懂了一点,词汇量也进一步提高 问题:语法上面的知识...
part1 1.总结 精读: personality development 视听说:relax and explore 2单词 精读:dist...
part1 1.总结 精读: A time for memories 视听说:learning objectives 2单词 精读:recall...
part1 1.总结 精读:How to teach students to read 视听说:The festival has its own...
part1 1精读:To be a top student, you have to have good habits such as natu...
My student number is 2020012225. My name is Yao Boxuan. Male gender. I'm...